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I finished two short stories and submitted them. REALITY is about living in a VR world and being smacked with reality. LILY AND THE KEY is an updated version of Aladdin and the Lamp. Marketing Marketing Marketing. THE WHEN OF GADGETS was sold as a reprint and I’ll post the link to the publication when official. My alternative history novel will now get attention.


Thereby hangs a tale. Writing a novel is a marathon. Short stories are sprints. (I stole that from somebody) Hook. Story. Wrap. Twist. (We owe the twist to O’Henry). The seduction of writing a short story is its brevity—character description development, the trail of events must all be concise. This demands that descriptions be short but powerful, and a few artfully crafted phrases both deliver the story and teases the reader. For example: “She wore a red dress spray painted onto bare skin”—Raymond Chandler. Ten words but you get the image.

Well, I’m back to the novel now, having regained control over my authorial ADHD.

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